Thinking is what we need, not more and not less!!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why is being prepared so important?

Let us play with this quote first. Those who suffer now, will enjoy the most later while those who enjoy themselves now, will suffer later. I understand that you and I will come up with many perspectives to rebut this common quote. For now, let us look at this quote from my point of view first, okay? Thank you. 

Law of nature is REAL and FAIR. If w try to go against it, we will definitely suffer. You may read books on this topic which was written by Rhonda Byrne. A man cannot be a GREAT WRITER if that man hates READING. It is completely against the law of nature. 

Now let us first talk about public speaking. A man who does not do research about the topic, afraid of people or anti-social, live in isolation, hates mirror, hates reading, hates himself, hates being looked at and etc. cannot be a good speaker. If we want to be a great speaker, we have to embrace all of our weaknesses and come up with concrete and practical solutions to improve our weaknesses. Furthermore, we have to understand why we have to speak well in public. 

Second, let me talk about marriage. Some people get married because of bad or wrong reason such as sex, desperation, accident (unsafe intercourse), peer and family pressure, tired of masturbation, tradition, religious obligation, GENIUS DNA (**very funny**)  and hidden ill intentions specifically as a stepping stone to get super rich. How should we get married? How should we prepare ourselves before we say I do in public? We have to look deep into ourselves first and think of all the bad reasons mentioned earlier because bad intention will always end up with bad result. I myself got married because I wanted to triple my happiness. How about you? Before we get married, interview the married couples and those who experience divorce because these wise people will share with you a lot of things that you should consider before you create a man-made living hell. The only CAUSE of failure in marriage is A MORONIC STUBBORNNESS. 

Thirdly, let me talk about business. Some people don't understand that business is not all about money. It is more than that because a real business is about CONNECTION or NETWORKING. In other words, we create millions of bridges with many nations to promote our products and services. These bridges represent the amount of trust that people have in our products. Do you need evidence? Okay. Do you know TOYOTA, APPLE, SAMSUNG, MICROSOFT, PANASONIC, MERCEDES, TEFAL and etc.? We remember these  BRANDS because we trust them. Trust draws MONEY. However, they have to lose first as they have to spend a huge amount of money on RESEARCH and MARKETING. Those newbies in business who wish to get rich fast will end up being a bankrupt because they refuse to lose first. In real business, real businessman is prepared to lose first. Why did I say that? Because business is about calculated and unexpected risk. 

Finally, let me talk about about life after school. Some students might think that God will show mercy as they believe that faith can move mountains. How can God help us if we do nothing but PRAY? Do you think that God loves the lazy ones? Do you think that God loves that who hopes too much and makes very little effort to improve his life? To all students, the world only entertains the ones who have skills. The world pays no attention to the ones who play wait and see game. Focus on that SKILL, improve the skill until the WORLD remembers you. Evidence? Do you watch BRUCE LEE MOVIES? Do you know that his KICK is that fastest on EARTH? Because of the super fast kick, people are willing to be his students and pay him a lot of money. Movie directors are willing to shower him with PRIVILEGES because of his SPEED in martial art. Do you want more evidence? Steve Jobs for example. What kind of skill that he has? His specific skill is on Electronic Gadget.  In other words, it is called APPLE. Do you like APPLE I PHONES and COMPUTERS? Why do you like them? Because they are UNIQUE and WORTH YOUR PENNY. Let me give you one more evidence. Bill Gates. Do you know him? Bill Gates is the MICROSOFT'S husband. Can this world move EFFICIENTLY today without MICROSOFT? Bill Gates knows that the world needs something to assist them at work. That challenge causes him to be the innovator. Last but not least, study the subject not merely because of exams. Study the subject because you want the world to remember your name because your understanding of the subject will help you to create a solution to a problem that will draw WEALTH to you. 

In conclusion, we cannot see tomorrow. However, we have been given the clues through a series of PROBLEMS that we face and see everyday and those PROBLEMS are the answers for our FUTURE. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy brain-melting session. 

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