Thinking is what we need, not more and not less!!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to teach noun in a beautiful and creative manner: Part One (For English teachers who teach English grammar)

Good morning everyone. How are you? I hope you are in the right mood to learn more about English grammar because I am going to teach you about noun in a beautiful and creative manner as I want everybody to understand grammar instead of running away from speaking and writing good English. 

In this session, I will play with NOUN first. 

What is a NOUN? Why must we know about noun? Why is noun so important? If you want to understand grammar, please pay attention to those three questions. 

A noun is a word and that word represents a subject and that subject can be a human, animal, man-made creation or ideas. In English grammar, without a noun we cannot communicate properly because we don't have the right words or nouns to help others to understand our message. 

Example 1 (a): Let's play with this example.

Brad: Honey, could you please buy some aaaa....emmm...aaaa...emmmmm...for me at the supermarket this afternoon? 
Angel: What is that aaaa....emmmm..aaaa..eemmmmmm honey? I don't understand. Could you please be specific

This is called communication breakdown. You need to know the right noun or word to help you convey your message. So, what was missing in the dialogue above? A noun or more than one noun. Yes, you are definitely right. Shall we move on to the next level? Thank you. 

Now let me improve the quality of this dialogue. 

Example 1 (b): 

Brad: Honey, could you please buy some chicken wings/milk/sugar/tea/magazine/a bottle of wine/supplements/honey/apples for me at the supermarket this afternoon? 

Angel: No problem. Could you please reorganize all the THINGS that you have mentioned and if possible prepare a complete list of the ITEMS. 

Which one is a noun? The noun is the THINGS or ITEMS that Brad mentioned in the dialogue. The living and the non-living things are NOUNS. 

Now we know that noun can represent THINGS. 

Next, let us move on to the next example. As mentioned earlier, a noun can represent people. Let's play with another example. 

Example 2 (a):

Aaron: Wawa, could you please stop talking about your annoying past? I am sick of it
Wawa:  Aaron, could you please be more understanding? 

Why did I highlight the words? Because they are NOUNS. The words Aaron, Wawa, you and I are nouns that represent PEOPLE or PERSONS. On the other hand, PAST and IT are NOUNS that refer to IDEAS. I will give more examples on that. 

Example 3: Nouns that refer to ideas. 

Mani: Honey, what should we do for this coming long holiday?
Agnes: How a about a vacation in Bali? 
Mani: Can you tell me more about the level of hospitality of people in Bali? 
Angel: All of them are very friendly. Their genuine friendliness will blow you away. Trust me. 
Mani: Okay. I trust you. Let us book the tickets now so that we can create more wonderful memories

Why did I highlight the words? Because they are NOUNS that refer to IDEAS. Do you understand this very informal explanation? Well, if you don't please let me know which part that I should improve. 

I will talk about types of nouns in the next session. 

I hope you enjoy reading this food for the brain. See you!! Take care!!

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