Thinking is what we need, not more and not less!!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What is economy? Part One.

The experts on economy have many terms to play with the word economy but I believe the economists purposely created many complicated terms for the word economy because they wanted the poor to remain poor as the poor do not really understand the economic terms. Perhaps, they are trained to be the victim of the economic circle. Despite all the complications of the economic terms, I will explain it in my own way to make you understand and perhaps it can trigger a solution to some economic problems. 

Economy is 
basically about 
what we NEED 
what we WANT

What do we need? We basically need food, garments and shelter. Do we have all of these? If we don't have it, we have to buy. Do we have the money to buy it? If we don't have the money to buy it, how can we fulfil our desire to have these basic necessities? There are some solutions to these before  the existence of money. Food such as meat and vegetables will be available to us if we have the land. We build a shelter on that land. This kind of economy is limited because the economic activities are conducted within your territory. Your economy looks very good because you have all the three things that you basically need as an ordinary human being. 

Now let us proceed with  the role of money here. Now we have the things we need. How about the things that we want? We want a good car, vacation, new kitchen, a contemporary landscape for our ugly garden, a computer and internet access to keep up with the latest issues  and etc. Do we have enough money to have all these? How can we make money to buy all the things that we want? 

First we have to look at our asset  that can generate money. When we sell the vegetables and the meat, we will make money. However, are there any buyers who are interested to buy our products? We have to get out of the comfort zone and look for buyers. When we have found the buyers, the economic activities have become more aggressive and alive because we are dealing with others to satisfy our continuous desire to have the things that we need and want. 

The examples above are very simple and can be considered very clean in the eyes of morality. However, how can economic activities become ugly? Most of the time, the main cause is the ugly competition or the buyers become manipulative. For example, when the sellers want to sell the vegetables and the meat, there many people out there who have been doing the same business. Therefore, the price that he has been expecting will somehow hurt him in the end of the business deal. On the buyer's side, the buyers may know that the seller's products are very good. However, in order to maximize his profit if he resells the meat and vegetables, this buyer will start playing with the market price and perhaps diseases to fool the sellers. This happens everyday locally and internationally if you know what I mean. 

There are basically two options for the seller. The first one is to continue improving the quality of his products or continue looking for the best buyers for his products. This is tiring but the fruit is always sweet because I believe that not all of the apples are ROTTEN. 

I guess that is all for now. Thank you for reading.